Guide Us In Love…

Guide Us In Love…

Good morning my Loving Brother in Christ

All praise, glory and honor is to God.

Father God we thank You for redemption. It is only by Your grace and mercy that we are forgiven and have the ability to walk with You. Father God, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to save us, save us from ourselves and, Father God, we simply ask that You hold tight to us as Your children. Father God, we are not worthy of the mercies You renew every morning as You see us as Your perfect, loving and holy child. We receive these mighty gifts of salvation.

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Father God we thank You for setting us free through Your son, Jesus Christ. We are no longer slaves to sin we can walk as free sons and daughters, in the Way, the Truth and the Life You have designed for us.

The Kingdom of God surrounds us, carries us and embraces us. The Mighty Power of God slays sin, through Christ, and places our feet on solid rock. We humbly come before You Father God, to seek Your face, seek Your beauty in all situations of our life.

For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. ~Romans 8:5 NASB95

Father God soften our hearts that we may feel Your presence. Set our minds to the things of the Holy Spirit instead of those things of the flesh. Release the Holy Spirit into this place that the great Comforter would guide us in love. Father God lift Erik, love on him and his family let them know You are present. Speak directly to Erik, speak Your love to him. Speak Your faith and healing to Erik and his family. Speak Your wisdom of freedom from bondage to Erik and his family. Father God, soften the hearts of the care givers. Speak to each of the care givers of Your love. Let each one step aside as You, Father God, become their hands. Let each care giver quiet their mind and invite You, Father God, to be their mind – bind their mind to the Mind of Christ. Lift them high, Father, and pour into Erik, the entire Dattwyler family, all the care givers and all the Dattwyler’s friends, pour into each one Father Your Power, Your Light, Your Love and Your Wisdom. Let us all feel Your presence, right now. Let us see Your beauty. Release us Father into the glorious life You intended us live.

In Jesus Christ loving name we pray. Amen

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